Online Persuasion &
Experience Design
Master of Online Persuasion Course
Become skilled in Online Persuasion & Experience Design like an applied behavioral scientist!

“This training is an eye-opener.
The Master of Online Persuasion is a perfect blend of gathering knowledge, understand how it works, and then apply it.”

“My goal was to be more effective in my A/B testing (with the use of scientific psychological theories instead of only analytic knowledge) and I succeeded!”
Persuasion & Experience Tactics (blog)
Our latest articles on Online Persuasion & Experience Design
"We prefer situations that we have control over" Autonomy is our innate and universal need to be causal agents of our own lives. Our perception of our autonomy influences our behavior. A high level of
Conceptual & Associative Priming
"Subtle cues subconsciously influence our thoughts, feelings and behavior" Conceptual and Associative Priming Our brain is fundamentally associative. Each time we have an experience, a huge neural associative representation is activated (e.g. moon:
Visual cueing
"Our focus of attention is highly influenced by visual cues" A visual cue is a signal which your brain extracts from what you see. It indicates the state of some property around you that you
Domestic Country Bias
“We prefer domestic products over imported ones" Domestic Country Bias We have a bias against foreign products and favor domestic ones. This domestic country bias is manifested in our product perceptions as well
“When others mimic our behavior, we like them more" Mimicry Mimicry refers to the (often subconscious and automatic) imitation of other people’s behavior. You yawn when I yawn. You smile when I smile.
Endowment effect
“When we own goods, we value them higher than when we don't” How we value items depends on whether or not it is ours. The effect (also known as 'divestiture aversion') is that when there
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and Inspirational Sessions and Guest Lectures
Drawing the line
Don’t be evil
Embedding ETHICS in your digital capabilities
Digital persuasion & experience design can be applied unethically
We assist organizations in assuring their processes & culture prevent that these capabilities are used to promote behavior and experiences that we as a culture find unacceptable (like causing harm, regret, discrimination, or compromising other positive values).
Whether the ethical line is crossed, does not depend on ‘dark patterns’. It depends on how knowledge and capabilities are applied, what the effects are and if these cross your organization’s ethical line…
The Wheel of Persuasion
The world’s largest collection of Persuasion & Experience Tactics
The world’s biggest collection of psychological tactics
The Wheel of Persuasion is the world’s biggest collection of Online Persuasion & Experience Design Tactics that includes a brief explanation of the academic background, as well as practical tips on how to monetize these insights, and often with digital proof of the effectiveness (a/b-tests).
=> Get inspired by what truly drives our online behavior and experiences.