Online Persuasion &
Experience Design
Master of Online Persuasion Course
Become skilled in Online Persuasion & Experience Design like an applied behavioral scientist!

“This training is an eye-opener.
The Master of Online Persuasion is a perfect blend of gathering knowledge, understand how it works, and then apply it.”

“My goal was to be more effective in my A/B testing (with the use of scientific psychological theories instead of only analytic knowledge) and I succeeded!”
Persuasion & Experience Tactics (blog)
Our latest articles on Online Persuasion & Experience Design
"We are more likely to perform actions when we believe in our own competence" Self-efficacy is a person’s belief in his/her own competence. According to Albert Bandura – who defined self-efficacy theory - this personalized
Base rate neglect & Base rate fallacy
“We're really bad with numbers” We have a tendency to base judgments on known specific numbers and percentages, ignoring necessary general statistical information. This way we often erroneously over evaluate options with high numbers and
Self-generation memory effect
“If we think of it ourselves, we find it easy to remember" We remember information better if it is generated by our own mind, moreso than when we read or hear it from someone else.
Perceptual incongruence
"We automatically pay attention to things that we did not expect" Only 1% of what you see actually enters through your eyes. Your brain itself fills in the rest. Your brain does this by using
Present Focus Bias (or Immediacy Effect)
"We show a preference for rewards that arrive sooner rather than later" Present Focus Bias When we consider a choice between two options or rewards, we tend to prefer the readily available one.
Weather effects
“The weather affects our decisions" Weather effects on online decision making Weather conditions influence our mood. And is well established in the psychological literature that mood, feelings and emotions affect our decisions. On
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and Inspirational Sessions and Guest Lectures
Drawing the line
Don’t be evil
Embedding ETHICS in your digital capabilities
Digital persuasion & experience design can be applied unethically
We assist organizations in assuring their processes & culture prevent that these capabilities are used to promote behavior and experiences that we as a culture find unacceptable (like causing harm, regret, discrimination, or compromising other positive values).
Whether the ethical line is crossed, does not depend on ‘dark patterns’. It depends on how knowledge and capabilities are applied, what the effects are and if these cross your organization’s ethical line…
The Wheel of Persuasion
The world’s largest collection of Persuasion & Experience Tactics
The world’s biggest collection of psychological tactics
The Wheel of Persuasion is the world’s biggest collection of Online Persuasion & Experience Design Tactics that includes a brief explanation of the academic background, as well as practical tips on how to monetize these insights, and often with digital proof of the effectiveness (a/b-tests).
=> Get inspired by what truly drives our online behavior and experiences.