"We prefer situations that we have control over" Autonomy is our innate and universal need to be causal agents of our own lives. Our perception
"We prefer situations that we have control over" Autonomy is our innate and universal need to be causal agents of our own lives. Our perception
"Subtle cues subconsciously influence our thoughts, feelings and behavior" Conceptual and Associative Priming Our brain is fundamentally associative. Each time we have an
"Our focus of attention is highly influenced by visual cues" A visual cue is a signal which your brain extracts from what you see. It
“We prefer domestic products over imported ones" Domestic Country Bias We have a bias against foreign products and favor domestic ones. This domestic
“When others mimic our behavior, we like them more" Mimicry Mimicry refers to the (often subconscious and automatic) imitation of other people’s behavior.
“When we own goods, we value them higher than when we don't” How we value items depends on whether or not it is ours. The
"We are more likely to perform actions when we believe in our own competence" Self-efficacy is a person’s belief in his/her own competence. According to
“We're really bad with numbers” We have a tendency to base judgments on known specific numbers and percentages, ignoring necessary general statistical information. This way
“If we think of it ourselves, we find it easy to remember" We remember information better if it is generated by our own mind, moreso
"We automatically pay attention to things that we did not expect" Only 1% of what you see actually enters through your eyes. Your brain itself
"We show a preference for rewards that arrive sooner rather than later" Present Focus Bias When we consider a choice between two options
“The weather affects our decisions" Weather effects on online decision making Weather conditions influence our mood. And is well established in the psychological